I am a Scientologist and I use Scientology to improve my life. Simple.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Can a blog make the world a better place?

This blog is not for the faint at heart or the weak minded or those who sit on the sidelines of life and watch the world go by. This blog is for those who stand for kindness and decency and the hope that we can do something to improve our lot on this earth.

So the real question is not whether one man's blog can make a difference — it's whether this world can be improved.

Whether we are the martyrs of our position and environment, or the triumphant few who champion human rights.

Can a blog make the world a better place? Or rather, can the world be made a better place?

I think it can.

In fact I know it can.

It can happen with Scientology.

I know, because Scientology changed my life. And it can change yours.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those are quite the intense words. How did you get in to Scientology?

I got in through Study Technology. But my parents were Scientologists so I got to see it as I was growing up, but it was the study tech later on where I got in to it.

2:23 AM  

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