I am a Scientologist and I use Scientology to improve my life. Simple.

Friday, August 18, 2006

David Miscavige Quote of the Day

Here is today's quote — and it's one of my personal favorites:
Contained in the body of Dianetics and Scientology are answers to those age-old questions — Who am I? What's the purpose of all this? And, What happens when I die?

The direct answers are: You are a spiritual being, distinct and separate from a body. You have lived lifetime after lifetime and will live again. You are seeking to survive for yourself, your family, group, mankind, the physical universe, and to survive as a spirit. And only when you have fully achieved that level of enlightenment can you truly understand the Creator.
You'll find this quote at:

But it's best if you start from the beginning at:

Also, if the title of my last post wasn't totally clear for everyone, it was a pun on the Tower of Babel.



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