I am a Scientologist and I use Scientology to improve my life. Simple.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

We now return you to our regularly scheduled programming

I disappeared. But I'm back. And I've got something great warming up in the bullpen right now. Hopefully I won't make you wait until the 9th inning to break it out... (For my foriegn friends, that's a baseball analogy. Meaning you'll see some new stuff on the blog very shortly.)

That will include musings and a unique outlook on life and yes, a couple more quotes of the day from Mr. David Miscavige so that we get caught up.

I may even whip out another demonstration of my mad html skills from 1997. To all you foreigners out there, "mad" is slang to indicate a demonstration of exceptional ability or skill, and I'm using it as a joke because I haven't really done any html since 1997. Though I am learning it again pretty quickly.

By the way, I don't intend to keep providing definitions for the various words I use unless they're particularly hard to find. But you should definitely clear up the meanings of any words you come across that you don't understand, so go to dictionary.com or go to google and type in "define:apples" for example, if you were looking for a definition of the word "apples".


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