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Friday, August 11, 2006

David Miscavige Quote of the Day

I've just posted a lot of pertinenet news stories and found the following quote from Mr. David Miscavige altogether apropos:

"Today we are at a watershed in history. At stake is whether the ideals we cherish will survive or some new abhorrent set of values win the day. And if that decline has been evident through the past half century, it continues unabated into this new one.
"The events of September 11th served as a wake-up call for all of us. When one must worry, in today’s modern world, about the safety of its citizens, when one’s solutions are limited to the use of military might, it is obvious that the problems we face run much deeper.

"It’s a situation none of us can ignore. They are conditions we all must face. They are problems we all must be responsible for helping to resolve.

"Yet look around the world today — what will you hear? “What can I do about it?” “I’m just me.” And therein lies the real problem. For the truth of the matter is that just “me” and “we” are the most powerful force on this Earth.

"And no, I am not merely speaking of the daily headlines of international warfare and conflict. The fact is, that’s only but the latest chapter in the drama that has continued to unfold for the past several millennia. War — man against man — nation against nation. And if today it is different, that’s only because the weapons are larger. It’s a long way from sticks and stones, to laser-guided missiles.

"But here’s the real point. While we are hit with the daily headlines, the Code Orange terror alerts, and all else, it obscures the deeper, more serious problem that underlies it all. Man himself." — Mr. David Miscavige

Here is the speech this excerpt is from: http://www.rtc.org/en_US/presentations/thisisscientology.html

And if you're interested in more speeches from David Miscavige, check out these links:


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