I am a Scientologist and I use Scientology to improve my life. Simple.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Blogger Forum

I've just hooked up with Blogger Forum, seems to be a site dedicated to Blogger users. I'll check it out and if I find anything interesting, you might here more about it from me.

A Twilight Zone Moment - I just HAD to share this with you...

I just tried the spell-check feature on Blogger for the first time and guess what?

The words "blog" and "blogger" are not in its dictionary.

I don't mean to rag on Blogger, it's a great service. I just think it makes for a nice paradox...

Truth. Love. Respect.

I decided to try out the new beta.blogger.com site and created a new blog: http://truth-love-respect.blogspot.com As it will become all too clear as I continue to update it, this blog will have a cyclic theme, where the first post is about truth, the second about love, the third about respect and then back to truth again. You get the picture.

The beta version of blogger has some decent upgrades, including a simple way to change the layout of your template, and it gives you some more control overall.

But the big disappointment right now is that you are not yet able to edit the html of the template. Even though there is a tab for it, clicking on "Edit HTML" will give you a message that says: "Raw template editing functionality coming soon." I do hope that this means sooner than later, or I will be moving my new blog over to the old site, where my other three blogs are hosted. But I do encourage you to check it out and give it a shot — I am sure that an increased number of people using the new service will accelerate the "raw template editing functionality."

As you may be wondering why I'm starting a fourth blog when I haven't been updating the other three, do not be alarmed — for I have now mastered the art of multi-tasking. Which should translate into multi-blogging... (And believe it or not, a google search will reveal that I wasn't the first one to dream up the word "multi-blogging".)

The David Miscavige Quote of the Day will be revived as a daily feature and I'll get the other blogs updated every couple days as well.

But for now, this blog will be my mainstay and I'll update the other ones as I see fit.

Monday, August 21, 2006

David Miscavige Quote of the Day

Here it is, the quote of the day, from Mr. Miscavige's speech at the Celebrity Centre gala event:
Scientology is a modern religion, born in the technical age of the 20th century. And if you were to ask any Scientologist, they would tell you it is a practical religion, with practical answers — tools that can be applied to achieve that greater awareness and purpose in the here and now. Or, as we say it, when you have the answers to life's questions — there is virtually no part of existence it cannot be applied to for the betterment of life itself.

You'll find this quote at:

French McCarthyism - People Fired from Jobs due to Religious Beliefs

Intriguing article just found on horrible religious descrimination in France, and how it compares to the "Red Scare" hysteria created by Joseph McCarthy in the 50's. People have lost jobs in France (and also Germany) due to their religious affiliation.

read more | digg story

Sunday, August 20, 2006

We now return you to our regularly scheduled programming

I disappeared. But I'm back. And I've got something great warming up in the bullpen right now. Hopefully I won't make you wait until the 9th inning to break it out... (For my foriegn friends, that's a baseball analogy. Meaning you'll see some new stuff on the blog very shortly.)

That will include musings and a unique outlook on life and yes, a couple more quotes of the day from Mr. David Miscavige so that we get caught up.

I may even whip out another demonstration of my mad html skills from 1997. To all you foreigners out there, "mad" is slang to indicate a demonstration of exceptional ability or skill, and I'm using it as a joke because I haven't really done any html since 1997. Though I am learning it again pretty quickly.

By the way, I don't intend to keep providing definitions for the various words I use unless they're particularly hard to find. But you should definitely clear up the meanings of any words you come across that you don't understand, so go to dictionary.com or go to google and type in "define:apples" for example, if you were looking for a definition of the word "apples".