I am a Scientologist and I use Scientology to improve my life. Simple.

Friday, August 18, 2006

David Miscavige Quote of the Day

Here is today's quote — and it's one of my personal favorites:
Contained in the body of Dianetics and Scientology are answers to those age-old questions — Who am I? What's the purpose of all this? And, What happens when I die?

The direct answers are: You are a spiritual being, distinct and separate from a body. You have lived lifetime after lifetime and will live again. You are seeking to survive for yourself, your family, group, mankind, the physical universe, and to survive as a spirit. And only when you have fully achieved that level of enlightenment can you truly understand the Creator.
You'll find this quote at:

But it's best if you start from the beginning at:

Also, if the title of my last post wasn't totally clear for everyone, it was a pun on the Tower of Babel.


Thursday, August 17, 2006

The Blogger of Babel

For anyone speaking a foreign language who would like to check out the speeches of Mr. David Miscavige, here's how to get there:


Another good site, if you speak a foreign language and want to find out more about Scientology, is translinator.eponym.com


David Miscavige Quote of the Day

Here is the quote of the day:

The aims of Scientology are a world without insanity, without criminals, without war, where the able can prosper and where Man is free to rise to greater heights.

Also inherent in Scientology, itself, is that one "take responsibility", not only for himself, but the world at large.

And absolutely no part of those efforts have anything to do with mere "belief" or "blind faith" in a doctrine.

Rather, we use what we know to help others, and we could care less about their race, creed, color or religion.

You'll find this quote at:

But it's best if you start from the beginning at:

David Miscavige Quote of the Day - Part 2

As promised, albeit overdue, here is the second David Miscavige quote of the day:

While one can complain about the conditions we live in, and it all can seem completely overwhelming, we take a different view that the most important commodity on Earth are people.

Address that — bring a real resolution to his ills — and bring about a new life for all of us.
You'll find this quote at:

But it's best if you start from the beginning at:

Also check out these new links for more speeches from David Miscavige:
Johannesburg Grand Opening
New York Grand Opening
San Francisco Grand Opening
Madrid Grand Opening
Buffalo Grand Opening
(That is, if you didn't check them out earlier today, you should do so now!)

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

How to share cool sites with your friends

For those who have just started blogging for the first time, you're probably going to want to share cool sites with the people you know. So I decided to write up what I've learned in the past few days from my experience with blogging for the first time.

I'll begin with the basics:

1. One of the best definitions I found for the word "link" is: "Clickable word(s) or graphics on a webpage that take the viewer to another place on the same page, to another webpage, or to another whole website."

A link usually looks something like this: http://www.scientologytoday.org

2. Very often, making a link is as simple as clicking a button or image that says "insert link."

3. However, there are some places where you need to use "html" to create a link. Html is short for "hypertext markup language," or in other words, a type of language that computers use to talk to each other over the Internet.

4. To create a link to http://www.humanrights-france.org/profile/index.htm, start by typing in the following characters:

<a href="http://www.humanrights-france.org/profile/index.htm">

This is the link itself — i.e., this is what tells the computer how to get to the page you want to link to.

To break it down more, you have a couple key sections. Start with:

<a href="

Then add the name of the website: http://www.humanrights-france.org/profile/index.htm

so that it looks like this:

<a href="http://www.humanrights-france.org/profile/index.htm

Then add these characters at the end: ">

so that it looks like this:

<a href="http://www.humanrights-france.org/profile/index.htm">

Now you have made the link — but you're not done yet. You still need to tell the computer what you want the link to look like on the screen.

For example, if you had a really long link like this one...

... you may not want all of that to show up on your page; you would probably prefer it if it looked like this:

David Miscavige Keynote Address - Buffalo Church

So now, take the link you just made (the one that looks like this):

<a href="http://www.humanrights-france.org/profile/index.htm">

and add the text you want to show up on the screen, so that it looks like this:

<a href="http://www.humanrights-france.org/profile/index.htm">Human Rights France</a>

Everything that you type between

<a href="http://www.humanrights-france.org/profile/index.htm">



will show up on the screen.

The end result should look like this:

Human Rights France

5. Adding links in comments on Netscape

Netscape is a website for sharing news stories with your friends. Sometimes I find a site I want to share in the comments section. To do so, it's actually very simple.

Just type in:


and it will work.

If you put <a href=" at the beginning of your link, it will not work.

6. Adding links in Blogger comments

(Blogger is a site for making your own blog. This blog was made with Blogger.)

Sometimes, when you make a link, you can just type www.scientologytoday.org and it will work. But this does not work well in Blogger. The best thing to do is type the full link, including http:// at the beginning:


and it should work just fine.

7. Adding links in Kaboodle

(Kaboodle is a site for sharing bookmarked pages with your friends.)

Sometimes I have wanted to add links in comments I've made on my friends' kaboodle pages. To do this, you will need to type out the full link:

<a href="http://www.humanrights-france.org/profile/index.htm">Human Rights France</a>

and it should work fine.

If there is anything you need help with, let me know by leaving a comment on my blog.

Ciao, =shaun=

The =evolutionary= manifesto: a non-darwin proposition

I wanted to clarify one point about my =evolution=not=revolution= blog: I'm not referring to Darwin's theory of evolution. I'm talking about evolution in terms of the attainment of a higher state of being for us all.

That blog was actually inspired by these words from L. Ron Hubbard:

"Scientology and Scientologists are not revolutionaries. They are evolutionaries. They do not stand for overthrow. They stand for the improvement of what we have."

&mdash L. Ron Hubbard, from Scientology: The Fundamentals of Thought

P.S. The David Miscavige Quote of the Day Part II, as promised, is on its way...

=evolution=not=revolution=: was it really a war?

=evolution=not=revolution=: was it really a war?

I posted this the other day on my poetry blog, about the Gulf War(s) and how it looked from my viewpoint.

The fact is, we all play a vital role in establishing fundamental human rights and making them an everyday fact. No international peacekeeping force could ever enforce these natural laws of life, these codes of conduct that were written in the wind and in the sun and moon and stars long before you or I walked this earth.


It takes individual beings hearing from their friends that the UN established this thing nearly 60 years ago that no one's ever heard of, called the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. And it means we each walk up to someone else and say, "Hey! Don't you know your rights?"

Just what are human rights? Find out:

My Latest dot.com start-up: The Scientology Nomenclature Blog

As the title says, I started a new blog today, all about Scientology nomenclature. I plan on putting up another word each day, so check it out.


David Miscavige Quote of the Day

As I once again was delinquent in providing the David Miscavige quote of the day yesterday, I'll be making amends by posting two quotes today — and maybe even a third for good measure.

Here's the quote:
Think back yourself and you’ll remember when you tried to help a grieving loved one, a struggling child, a friend overcome by addiction.

And where you have failed, it’s only because you lacked the tools to effectively accomplish what you desired.

That is what Scientology offers.

You'll find this quote at:

But it's best if you start from the beginning at:

Also check out these new links for more speeches from David Miscavige:
San Francisco Grand Opening
New York Grand Opening
Madrid Grand Opening
Johannesburg Grand Opening
Buffalo Grand Opening

Monday, August 14, 2006

3 Tips for Better Happiness

Did you know that one of the earliest forms of therapy — even referenced in the Bible — consisted of getting a patient to laugh?

The "search for happiness" has almost become a cliche. If go out on the streets and ask some people if they're happy, you'll find that stress and depression are the order of the day.

Or so they say. The fact is, you can fight back in the battle against depression and unhappiness. Here are 3 simple tips to help you make it through the day:

1. Force yourself to smile and you'll soon stop frowning.
Try it right now — actually force yourself to smile, and find out whether or not you start feeling a little more cheerful. Keep it up and you may even start feeling better physically: as the Book Of Proverbs 17:22 states, ‘A cheerful heart does good like a medicine: but a broken spirit makes one sick’.

2. Force yourself to laugh and you'll soon find something to laugh about.
If you're in a public place and feel too embarrassed to try this one immediately, that's fine, but try going somewhere where fewer people are around. If you can't, then remember it for later.
WARNING: Once you start yourself laughing, you may find it hard to stop. But don't feel self-conscious — just keep on laughing.

In fact, laughter could be good for your health. According to the University of Nebraska: "Laughter is very powerful medicine. It can lower stress, dissolve anger and unite families in their resolve to overcome troubled times."

And you'll even find the following on the website of the American Cancer Society: "...laughter has many benefits, including positive physical changes and an overall sense of well being.... These findings provide support for the claim that humor can relieve stress."

3. Wax enthusiastic and you'll very soon feel so.
The world has enough critics — why not find something to like for a change? Find a topic, a situation or practically anything you wish and start raving about it. This tip is startlingly refreshing and I'm sure you will be pleased with the results.

This article was inspired by the following poem from L. Ron Hubbard:

The Joy of Creating

Force yourself to smile and you’ll soon stop frowning.
Force yourself to laugh and you’ll soon find something to laugh about.
Wax enthusiastic and you’ll very soon feel so.
A being causes his own feelings.
The greatest joy there is in life is creating.
Splurge on it!

"The Joy of Creating," excerpted from the book ART, by L. Ron Hubbard

Additional sources:

David Miscavige Quote of the Day

The Aims of Scientology are a world without insanity, without criminals, without war, where the able can prosper and where Man is free to rise to greater heights. Also inherent in Scientology itself, is that one take responsibility, not only for himself, but the world at large. And absolutely no part of those efforts have anything to do with mere “belief” or “blind faith” in a doctrine. Rather, we use what we know to help others, and we couldn't care less about their race, creed, color or religion.

You'll find this quote at:

But it's best if you start from the beginning at:

Sometimes there are no words

I must say I am deeply sorry — not for the fact of posting that last article on the orphans, but rather, I am sorry that anyone could fathom the treatment that those children received. We must raise awareness of the abuses that are continually perpetrated in this world.

And this is not sappy, maudlin, tear-stained appeal for soggy emotions. No, this is a call to ACTION. Why the hell can't we DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT?!?!?!?!?

You know what?

We can.


Just click the link and get appropriately outraged.

Orphans Mysteriously Abducted and Sexually Assaulted

The Church of Scientology demands accountability from Canadian psychiatrists for wrongdoing in the case of the Duplessis Orphans: stigmatized for the rest of their lives by horrors no human should be made to endure.

read more | digg story

Scientology Frequently Asked Questions

A new blog was started up by a Scientologist to give others who are looking for accurate information about Scientology, the real deal, first hand account, answers to common questions and links to official Scientology sites.

read more | digg story

David Miscavige Quote of the Day - Part 2

Ok, I didn't quite get around to posting part 2 before midnight, but I'm still awake and thus it's still the same day as far as I'm concerned.

Here's the quote:

Do we think new answers are needed?
Yes, we do.
Do people, at times, suspect offers of “help”?
Unfortunately, they do.
And it’s not surprising.
Because too many times that help has failed.
What people need are real solutions, real tools to deal with and effectively overcome human problems.
— Mr. David Miscavige

And again, that's an excerpt from http://www.rtc.org/en_US/presentations/thisisscientology.htm

Getting listed

I'm getting my blog listed in these two directories, so maybe I'll start getting some more visitors:

Blog search directory

And I'm also listing my =evolution=not=revolution= blog in the same directories.

If it isn't obvious when you get there, it's a poetry blog where I'll express my beliefs on another wavelength. Check it out if you're in the mood for something different.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

It's coming...

As promised, the David Miscavige quote of the Day (Part 2) will be posted shortly. Stay tuned...

All apologies

Humble pie, foot in mouth and fill in the blank with any other cliche you please: I had a broken link on my Immortal Technique post, and thus I apologize. If you notice any other broken links, please let me know.

(I can't guarantee that it won't happen again as I'm pulling out my mad html skills from 1997 and I'm a bit rusty)

In case you were wondering, the broken link was to this site:


I've started a new blog. Check it out at http://evolution-not-revolution.blogspot.com/

Also, don't forget to check out these sites I looked at today:


David Miscavige Quote of the Day - Part 1

To make up for my failure to post the David Miscavige quote of the day yesterday, I'll be posting 2 of them today. One right now and another sometime later today. So without further ado, here is an intense one:

The answer to this planet’s problems will not be found in the “material.” Of this there can be no question. For if those solutions can’t prevent war nation to nation, how then can it be expected to answer questions like “love,” “happiness” or “peace of mind?” So, we can’t expect the answer to be found in chemicals. Not unless one buys into a synthesized utopia, or a “Brave New World,” with a perfect pleasure drug.

Yet that is precisely what we see in the world today, with multi-million dollar conglomerates providing a cornucopia of new pills as a panacea to all ills — making the pharmaceutical industry the most profitable business on the planet — more than banking, high finance, oil or computers. Common sense tells us it’s the wrong answer.

After all, it isn’t just mere coincidence that the arrival of those new drugs always coincide with the expiration of the last one’s patent. That’s a fact.

And when the success of the latest “feel good” pill is judged by profit, well don’t be surprised when happiness isn’t the result. After all, what then would happen with all those blue chip stocks?

As any businessman knows — good marketing strategy requires the constant outflow of new product. And besides, the statistics say it all — those pills are not working.

— Mr. David Miscavige

The quote can be found on this site:

Also check out these links for other great speeches from Mr. Miscavige:

  • David Miscavige Opening Address In Honor of L. Ron Hubbard's Birthday 1993
  • David Miscavige Opening Address for L. Ron Hubbard's Birthday 1994
  • David Miscavige Opening Address for L. Ron Hubbard's Birthday 1997
  • David Miscavige Presents a Tribute to L. Ron Hubbard: March 2002

  • If you have any favorite quotes you'd like me to post, leave me a comment and let me know!