For those who have just started blogging for the first time, you're probably going to want to share cool sites with the people you know. So I decided to write up what I've learned in the past few days from my experience with blogging for the first time.
I'll begin with the basics:
1. One of the best definitions I found for the word "link" is: "Clickable word(s) or graphics on a webpage that take the viewer to another place on the same page, to another webpage, or to another whole website."
A link usually looks something like this:
http://www.scientologytoday.org2. Very often, making a link is as simple as clicking a button or image that says "insert link."
3. However, there are some places where you need to use "html" to create a link. Html is short for "hypertext markup language," or in other words, a type of language that computers use to talk to each other over the Internet.
4. To create a link to, start by typing in the following characters:
<a href="">This is the link itself — i.e., this is what tells the computer how to get to the page you want to link to.
To break it down more, you have a couple key sections. Start with:
<a href="Then add the name of the website: that it looks like this:
<a href=" add these characters at the end:
">so that it looks like this:
<a href="">Now you have made the link — but you're not done yet. You still need to tell the computer what you want the link to look like on the screen.
For example, if you had a really long link like this one... you may not want all of that to show up on your page; you would probably prefer it if it looked like this:
David Miscavige Keynote Address - Buffalo ChurchSo now, take the link you just made (the one that looks like this):
<a href="">and add the text you want to show up on the screen, so that it looks like this:
<a href="">Human Rights France</a>Everything that you type between
<a href="">and
</a>will show up on the screen.
The end result should look like this:
Human Rights France5. Adding links in comments on Netscape
Netscape is a website for sharing news stories with your friends. Sometimes I find a site I want to share in the comments section. To do so, it's actually very simple.
Just type in: it will work.
If you put
<a href=" at the beginning of your link, it will not work.
6. Adding links in Blogger comments
Blogger is a site for making your own
This blog was made with Blogger.)
Sometimes, when you make a link, you can just type and it will work. But this does not work well in Blogger. The best thing to do is type the full link, including
http:// at the beginning:
http://www.scientologytoday.organd it should work just fine.
7. Adding links in Kaboodle
Kaboodle is a site for sharing bookmarked pages with your friends.)
Sometimes I have wanted to add links in comments I've made on my friends' kaboodle pages. To do this, you will need to type out the full link:
<a href="">Human Rights France</a>and it should work fine.
If there is anything you need help with, let me know by leaving a comment on my blog.
Ciao, =shaun=